Thursday, March 6, 2008

Miracle of Life

It seems as if everyone I know is having babies. February 25, 2008, my first nephew was welcomed into the world, Mr. Preston Douglas Taylor. 7 lbs. 3 oz. Good work Nate and Becky. He is adorable, and I am a completely unbiased source. See my sister-in-law's blog to see amazing pictures of a future famous person (I mean, with a name like that, he has GOT to amount to SOMETHING. Having great parents won't hurt, either).

Anyway, so I'm sitting at home tonight watching a Sex in the City rerun and Miranda is giving birth, with Carrie at her side. Then I get to thinking about my dear friend Shayla, who was due to be induced today. All of a sudden, I get a call from her. She was at the hospital, dilated to 9 cm, and wanted to know if I wanted to come. I live literally around the corner, so I figured only a crappy friend would opt out. So I run over (still wearing my boyfriend's over-sized sweatshirt) and arrive at the hospital, breathless with the anticipation of seeing my first-ever baby delivery (and I'm sure jogging the 5 blocks didn't hurt).

Within a half hour (and 2 1/2 pushes), beautiful Cameron Carson Shumaker was born (6 lbs. 13.3 oz. and 19 inches long). 10:49 pm.

I was given the task of taking pictures. It was my debut as a medical even photographer. I think it may be a new career choice. The whole thing was absolutely amazing. Anyone who has seen a delivery knows what I'm talking about.

I'm glad I saw this. I think I may actually have kids of my own now. I think I'm ready. I mean, I wasn't even grossed out by the doctor pulling out the placenta.

1 comment:

Mary said...

How awesome to be there when the baby was born! Oh, and by the way, in case you didn't know, I'm pregnant. :)