Monday, February 11, 2008

Dull Headaches

So, anyone who knows me knows that I have suffered from moderate to severe headaches since pre-adolescence. And if you didn't know that, clearly, you've never heard me rant about how I'm convinced I have a brain tumor. Anywho, this post is written because 1) I have not written a thing since I created this blog however long ago, and 2) I am putting off an assignment. Procrastination is another ailment I have suffered from since pre-adolescence.

The headache I have currently is, I am sure, due to a combination of only 3 hours of disturbed sleep, irregular eating habits, and dehydration. All of which are my fault. So please do not interpret this as a complaint so much as a way for me to pass the time.

On another completely unrelated side note: Becky, I am ecstatic about a new nephew. And if you read this, you had better believe me when I say that I want you to call me DAY OR NIGHT if and when you need ANYTHING. Because, quite frankly, I have too much time on my hands.

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